Human Resource Manager
Office Solver's Human Resource Manager allows employers to manage their human resource department in an organized and efficient manner thereby reducing time and cost. Our application reduces or eliminates paper work and allows you to create and maintain employee evaluation reports; facilitate and document formal interviews and employee disciplinary write-ups as well as create and maintain all employee records. In addition, the Human Resource Manager is used by employees to create status reports which are instantly available for review by management. With our secure system you can generate reports and access sensitive employee files or status reports from anywhere instantly.
Employee Evaluations
- Secure online storage for all employee evaluations
- Quick and easy access from anywhere
- Monitor employee performance
- Maintain history of job performance
- Customizable evaluation forms
- Provide valuable feedback to employees
- Hold employees accountable
- Provide justification for management decisions
Employee Status Report
- Monitor employee accomplishments, concerns and issues for evaluation
- Instant access from anywhere anytime
- Provides input for employee evaluations
- Provides the basis for management decisions (i.e. planning, budgeting, etc.)
Manage Interview
- Interview notes, questions comments and results stored in one central location
- Pre-set list of interview questions can be customized
- Interview comments and notes are kept on file
- Facilitates team members and management collaboration on interview decision
Disciplinary Write-Up
- Instantly access information from anywhere anytime
- Track and maintain write-ups in a central location
- Quickly create write-ups with standard disciplinary forms
- Customizable forms
- Provides justification for employee termination if necessary
- All disciplinary reports are kept on file for review
Employee Records
- Eliminate all paper work
- Maintain all employee information in one central location
- Totally secure system and accessible from anywhere anytime
- Includes all status reports, disciplinary write-ups, employee evaluations, interview notes and more
- Helpful in addressing employee compliance issues
- Records maintained virtually forever
- Reports are always available; view them whenever you need them